Humanitarian aid for Venezuela burned across the border: not from Maduro, but from rival Guaidò, with the aim of blaming the Caracas government. It's the press Use to accuse Guaidò himself (and Washington) both for the self-destruction of aid and for the dramatic blackout inflicted on Venezuela, with at least 14 patients who died in hospitals. The complaints of the "New York Times" and "Forbes", writes Gennaro Carotenuto on his blog, attest that in Venezuela the war has already begun, and that false news dominates the construction of public opinion. "The wars of the new generation make deaths like and more than those that were fought with the club, the crossbow or the Chassepot rifle," writes Carotenuto. «With respect to the gravity of the blackout in Venezuela, ai half Italians liked the closed box marrying the thesis of chavista ineptitude ", since the Chavistas" are by definition all incapable, bloody and corrupt ". On the contrary, «various half Americans have taken very seriously and consider it credible that the blackout in Venezuela was caused by a cyber-cyber attack Use». If that were the case, adds Carotenuto, "we would be faced with an act of war», In the context of a" fourth generation "conflict. Just to clarify: «If they were Russian hackers, we would talk about terrorism».

Since instead the presumed authors of the sabotage are the Americans, it is necessary to speak of war initiatives "in which the traditional military force is bypassed to use actions of an economic, cultural and psychological nature, in particular using information technology". Carotenuto explains that a cyber attack so well carried out and successful would in fact circumvent the veto of Brazil, contrary to one war traditional: veto to which Trump's deputy, Mike Pence, "had to bow his head". But such an attack would also lead one to think that, for the first time, Maduro would no longer have full control over a key infrastructure such as electricity. It is no longer necessary to blow up pylons or materially poison the aqueducts to induce the population to despair, pushing it to rebel against the "regime". "It has never happened, from the republican Barcelona martyred by the Italians, to the fascist Rome struck by the Allies, from communist Vietnam to Milosevic's Serbia," writes Carotenuto. But in every conflict there is always "who is willing to perjury that a little more desperation is enough", on the part of the civilians who pretend to save, "to make the good triumph". And now, despite "the so-called humanitarian crisis", it seems that someone is convinced that the Venezuelans "are not yet sufficiently desperate".

Today, in fact, a few lines of code would be enough to "extinguish" an entire country, Carotenuto continues. "Those who applaud the" regime change "will be happy, aren't they? No bombing, no boots on the ground, same result ". There history moreover, it repeats itself: "In the 1973 in Chile the US unions financed the strike of the truckers (who were more on strike than they earned) which prevented supplies for weeks, fueling the idea of ​​chaos against the Allende government", in view of the military coup of the 11 September implemented by Pinochet. So far, he pressed Carotenuto, everyone thinks how he likes. But there are details that appear "inexorably repellent". For example: the ubiquitous Republican Senator Marco Rubio - who was in Cúcuta a few days ago - "boasts" that the blackout he announced worldwide just three minutes after it began (practically a claim) would have caused the death of 80 children premature babies in a neonatal ward in Maracaibo. "THE half Italians take up Rubio again without any verification, and have no ability or desire to link the senator's activism with the semi-claim of the blackout itself, as if this were a neutral observer ».

If, however, the alleged death of newborns - denied by local sources - was really due to the US cyber attack, and not "to the legendary Chavista foolishness", this would radically change things: "Would it be a fair price to pay for the liberation of Venezuela?" . 80 newborns in that Zulia hospital would officially "collateral damage" of one warfought above all with hypocrisy, Carotenuto emphasizes. «Rubio indeed USA the news of the dead babies to revive the need to let humanitarian aid enter Venezuela immediately ». He goes his way, Rubio: Venezuela is a country in humanitarian crisis and we must bring in humanitarian aid. Translated: «This is one warhumanitarian of good versus evil, do not forget. If the black man kills the newborns, then the white man will come to save them ". Too bad for Senator Rubio - adds Carotenuto - who Use they are not exactly a totalitarian regime (neither is Venezuela) and there is still a free press. In fact, the "New York Times" has unequivocally demonstrated how clear it was immediately: "Usaid's aid of February 23 was still burned in Colombian territory by Guaidó men for the international media circus to blame Maduro. Something that happened on time ".

Incontrovertible evidence, filmed: at the Cúcuta border "a staging was organized in which Guaidó, Rubio and the Colombian president Duque are the first responsible". And here, Carotenuto concludes, humanitarian aid and blackouts converge: the 80 dead babies (allegedly so) are victims of the famous "criminal ineptitude" of the Chavista government or of the war asymmetrical reported by Maduro? And the aid burned by Guaidó in Colombia to demonize Maduro, to whom should they be charged? "Does the fact that the benefactors themselves have destroyed them, does not support Maduro's thesis that they were a Trojan horse?" And again: the classic rhetoric of humanitarian aid (note: only in Venezuela, never in Haiti, in Honduras or in other South American countries just as painful) as is reconciled with the "humanitarian" blackout and those 80 children who tell us dead as collateral damage ? On his page Facebook, Giulietto Chiesa remembers that a situation like the one revived in Venezuela appears in the film "Snowden" by Oliver Stone, released two years ago. Snowden himself recounts that, on a certain day, someone from his super-hacker team made a mistake and "turned off" Syria. «It happened in the 2012. It looked like science fiction, even though Snowden wasn't joking at all. "
